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‘Outplacement Outtakes’ v.7 -Supporting Marlie with More than Just Her Career Transition

#careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Mar 01, 2023

The moment an employee is told their services are no longer required; their mind immediately turns to the problem of replacing their income. For most people, having to navigate today’s fast moving job market by themselves is a lonely and frustrating prospect.

When Marlie was enrolled in our program after a relatively short tenure with the insurance group she worked for, it was immediately apparent that she not only needed help with her job search, but she also needed help to change her mind-set about the circumstances as well as support to manage her finances, which were already causing her great personal stress.

As is often the case, Marlie was very angry at her employment termination meeting.  However, her anger didn’t subside easily during the subsequent days.  It wasn’t until she had a couple of intense and vulnerable sessions with her personal program coach at CMS, that she could see that her angry emotions were a direct response to the fear she felt now that her employment had ended.  Her program coach was able to help her separate her anger from the natural fear response she had to her termination, so that she could more easily understand her emotions, and process them.

In addition, Marlie’s program coach, encouraged her to seek the guidance of CMS’s independent CFP professional in order to get practical help in the management of her personal financial situation.  Once she worked with our CFP, Marlie had a plan to proactively take control of her expenses which was paramount to reducing her feelings of fear and anger.

By addressing the emotions and helping her to understand where they came from, and by giving her the practical assistance to manage a key source of stress (i.e. her finances), Marlie then felt empowered to focus on her future, and take the next steps in her career – via the CMS job search assistance / outplacement program.

The goal the CMS outplacement program is to provide meaningful, practical and personalized assistance to keep one’s time between jobs to the minimum.  By including three pillars of support in the form of, 1. Personalized Coaching, 2. Financial Counselling and 3. Practical Job Search assistance, we ensure a holistic approach to successful career transition.