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‘Outplacement Outtakes’ v8. – Career Transition Help according to Rudy’s Learning & Working Style

#careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Mar 15, 2023

Everybody has their own unique style when it comes to learning new things and working in general. Some learn best by doing, talking and collaborating, while others learn most easily by reading and listening.

The same is true when one is learning how to find a new job.  For example, some of the candidates you enrol in our programs would prefer to talk it out with their personal program coach, whether that be a discussion around their career assessment results, how to answer certain interview questions or what to do next if the response to a résumé marketing campaign is limited. Others prefer to read, research, internalize and digest information that they can then put into action with the support of their coach.

This was how we found Rudy when he first joined our program.  Although we had an initial discussion around his feelings following his termination and developed a plan for his use of the program, Rudy was clearly a more introverted sort who kept his cards close to his chest.  He was a cerebral type who was a quiet but deep thinker.  And although he communicated effectively over the phone or through video meetings, it was quite obvious that Rudy would prefer to connect with us via email and involve himself in the detailed content of our online job search assistance program, The Canadian Career Management System©.

The in-depth, methodical content of our proprietary, online job search assistance program works well for more academic thinking styles like Rudy’s because it gives them all the tools and resources they need to launch their career transition without being forced to chat with someone each step of the way.  Of course, it works to each candidate’s benefit to both, stay in close contact with their program coach and utilize the program materials… but not everyone is built the same way, and our outplacement programs are adaptable to both learning styles.

Since its birth in 1981, The Canadian Career Management System© has gone through countless upgrades in terms of how it is delivered (ie. from paper format to online) and more importantly in terms of content, ensuring that it is utilizes practical, modern and proven effective job search methodologies.

Today it includes 100+ pages of easy to follow, online career planning and job search resources sorted by 5 steps, or sections.  It provides downloadable exercises, résumé and cover letter examples, and a variety of instructional/informational videos.  

We strive to ensure the program content is as in-depth and as up to date as possible so that it is truly useful to job seekers like Rudy, when they are not in direct contact with their CMS program coach.  It is of course, accessible 24/7 and available to them for a full a year once they are enrolled in our outplacement program.